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You can contact us in the following ways

Telephone 0191 264 5333
Fax 0191 2646140
email sales@masfix.co.uk
website www.masfix.co.uk


Our address is

M&S Distributors Ltd, Riverside Works, Shelley Road, Newburn Industrial Estate, Newburn, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE15 9RT

Fields marked with * are required



M&S Distributors Ltd, Riverside Works, Shelley Road, Newburn Industrial Estate, Newburn, Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE15 9RT

Contact Details

Phone: 0191 2645333

Fax: 0191 264 6140

Email: sales@masfix.co.uk

Opening Hours

Trade counter service available for ordering and collection.

Our sales desk is open 8:00am to 5:00pm Monday to Friday

Important Notice

Please Note
We currently have a complete power failure, please send e-mails for enquiries and we will respond once power is back up and running - this has also affected our telephone lines